“I can’t believe the difference.”
Boost your child’s focus, respect, confidence, and social skills… while they have FUN.
Everything included:
4-Weeks of Unlimited Classes
Uniform + Belt
(Super Convenient)
Fill out the form below to
Martial arts is not just martial arts. It’s a tool we use to help young adults become leaders. Hundreds of parents can’t believe the incredible transformation.
Sports and extracurricular activities are getting canceled all across the country, taking away some of the most important outlets teenagers have. By participating in Teen Martial Arts Classes, your teen can stay active and develop a positive routine during these crazy times.
Teenagers who train martial arts have a higher success rate in school. Why? Discipline, focus, goal setting, and drive. Martial arts instills these incredible traits in your teen, every time they come.
Not all kids are born star athletes. That doesn’t mean they can’t become one. Martial arts builds coordination, endurance, speed, and strength. Teenagers who hate team sports, because they’re not quite as athletic, thrive here.
Martial arts is a solo sport. You’re with a group — but it’s your own personal journey, so you can’t “let the team down.”
Most frequent questions and answers about our Children's Martial Arts Program
A specific part of our teen martial arts classes at Ascent Martial Arts in Wilsonville is teaching respect, and teaching when to use their new self defense training and when to NOT use them. We find that our students become more confident to stand up to bullies. And have more humility and kindness to others though their martial arts lessons.
We don’t require parents to stay during classes. However, we do find that parents who get involved with their teen martial arts lessons, truly build a solid connection as they see their child grow in confidence and skill as they progress through their belt ranks. And building strong family units is important to us at Ascent Martial Arts for our Wilsonville community.
Make sure you wear comfortable clothes you can do sport in! Not really suitable to practice kicks in a skirt.😳
Be sure to bring a water bottle to your martial arts classes. You will find Ascent Martial Arts in Wilsonville have martial arts classes for kids and adults that are a great workout and lots of fun! Most students are grinning from ear to ear by the end of the class. I am sure you will be too!
Yes! One of the great things about martial arts classes, is that it’s an individual sport, done in a group environment. We find all our students improve in their focus, self control, discipline and social skills. But the best part is…. They don’t even realise that is what our highly trained Teen Martial Arts Instructors are actually doing. They just think they are having fun!
The best way to find out for yourself, is to take advantage of our limited time offer. You’ll find our team so helpful and dedicated to helping your child become the best version of themselves. Book in now! You will be glad you did!
We encourage parents to watch their children in their teen martial arts lessons. We love parents getting involved! And so do their children. Even better… join into some of our martial arts classes for adults. Your child will love that you have something in common. It will build a strong family bond!
Additionally, if you wanted some ‘me-time’? Simply drop them off, and go grab a coffee. They will greet you with a huge smile when you return, because they had SO much fun!
Not at all. You will find that martial arts classes are the PERFECT sport for teens who are not good at sport. Teen martial arts classes really are an individual after school activity, that they do in a group.
The journey from white belt to black belt is different for each student. But what is the same…. They improve co-ordination, balance, motor skills, focus and discipline. Plus, they makes lots of great friends!
Our Instructors are highly skilled in teaching martial arts for Teens. Really… It’s their PASSION!
This is probably the BEST teens activity for children who sit a lot!
Getting them active, without them realising they are learning, is our skill. Kicking and punching pads is such a great stress relief, that teens blossom in all areas – because of their martial arts training.
Many Wilsonville parents find that once their teen start martial arts classes, they see a happier, more social child develop right before their eyes. You’ll be glad they started classes!
PLUS…. Most teens LOVE being ninja!